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Trailblazer Backcountry Training Days 

Your Gateway to Adventure - Backcountry BDR Preparation Training

Have you ever dreamt of riding a Backcountry Discovery Route (BDR), but didn't know where to start?

Imagine winding through uncharted territories, where every turn brings a new vista, every mile a fresh challenge. The call of the wild beckons, promising the adventure of a lifetime. Yet, for many, the leap from dream to reality is halted by uncertainties: "Do I have the right skills?" "What if I get lost?" "Am I truly prepared?"

At MotoVenue's Trailblazer Backcountry, we understand these concerns. That's why we're here.











Begin Your Journey with Confidence

Our specially designed course, "Trailblazer Backcountry," is the bridge between your aspirations and the open trail. We've crafted a comprehensive training program that not only equips you with the skills needed for BDRs but also empowers you with the confidence to navigate the backcountry safely and enjoyably.


What Sets Us Apart?

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from seasoned adventurers who've lived the BDR dream and are passionate about sharing their knowledge.

  • Tailored Curriculum: From navigation basics to advanced off-road techniques, our curriculum is meticulously structured to address the unique challenges of BDRs.

  • Hands-On Experience: Our course isn't just theoretical. Experience a mini BDR under guided supervision, applying what you've learned in real-world scenarios.

  • Community of Adventurers: Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, all on their own journey towards becoming confident backcountry explorers.

Overcome the Unknown

Worried you don't have what it takes? Our course is designed for riders of all levels, focusing on building from the ground up. Whether it's mastering navigation, packing the right gear, or handling unexpected mechanical issues, we've got you covered.

Your Dream BDR Awaits

Don't let uncertainties keep you from the adventure you've always dreamed of. The trails are calling, and "Trailblazer Backcountry" equips you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to answer that call, all within the bounds of our comprehensive training facilities. Here's a closer look at what your journey will encompass:

Discover Your Path to Adventure with Trailblazer Backcountry

Embark on a journey that transforms your dream of riding a Backcountry Discovery Route (BDR) into a thrilling reality. From the moment you ride in and set your camp beneath the stars, you're not just preparing for an adventure; you're stepping into a story of personal growth and mastery. Here's how the Trailblazer Backcountry course promises to be a pivotal chapter in your adventure tale:

The Night Before: A Prelude to Adventure

  • Set the Stage: Your adventure begins with the simple act of setting up camp directly from your motorcycle. This first night under the stars is more than just preparation; it's your initiation into the world of backcountry exploration.

Day 1: Embrace the Transformation

  • From Pavement to Dirt: Spend your morning mastering the art of transitioning from the predictability of street riding to the dynamic challenge of loose traction off-road. It's not just about technique; it's about adopting a mindset that embraces flexibility and resilience.

  • Gear and Self-Reflection: The afternoon brings a moment of introspection as we evaluate your camping gear and setup. This isn't just about assessing what you brought; it's about understanding the philosophy of minimalism, self-reliance, and the essence of green camping. Your journey on the Trailblazer Off-Road course further hones your skills, challenging you to grow with every turn and trail.

Day 2: Dive Deeper into Mastery

  • Advanced Off-Road Riding: The day is dedicated to pushing your limits on the Trailblazer Off-Road course, where every bump and bend is an opportunity for growth. It's here that you learn the true meaning of perseverance and adaptability.

  • Survival Skills and Compassion: The wilderness teaches harsh lessons, but also ones of compassion and teamwork. Learning to manage risks and administer first aid isn't just about survival; it's about developing a deep sense of responsibility for yourself and your fellow riders.

Day 3: Conquer Challenges, Build Resilience

  • Recovery and Endurance: Understanding bike recovery and focusing on your physical and mental fitness prepares you not just for the trail ahead but for the long journey of life. Nutrition, hydration, and endurance training transcend the course, becoming lessons for personal health and well-being.

  • Tackle Specific BDR Challenges: As you navigate through water, sand, and obstacles, you're not just learning techniques; you're building a mindset that sees challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Day 4: Navigate Your Future

  • Final Mastery with Loaded Bikes: Returning to the Trailblazer All-Terrain sessions, you'll refine your skills with the added complexity of loaded bikes. This final test is symbolic of life's burdens and the strength you've developed to carry them gracefully.

  • Chart Your Course: Ending with navigation and long-term riding strategies, you're not just planning your next BDR; you're mapping out a future filled with adventures that you're now fully equipped to embrace.

Your Story of Adventure Awaits

The Trailblazer Backcountry course is more than just a training program; it's a transformative journey that equips you with the skills, confidence, and philosophical insights to pursue your dreams. It's about personal growth, embracing challenges, and becoming a part of a community that shares your passion for adventure.

Embrace the Adventure Within

Our unique blend of classroom learning, practical application, and on-site training environments ensures you gain the experience and confidence needed to embark on your BDR adventure without leaving our comprehensive training facilities. From mastering off-road riding techniques to on-site camping training, "Trailblazer Backcountry" offers a holistic approach to BDR preparation.

Are you ready to turn your backcountry aspirations into achievements? Join us at Trailblazer Backcountry and start your journey towards conquering your dream BDR with confidence.

Join Us

Are you ready to turn your backcountry dreams into reality? Whether you're looking to tackle your first BDR or aiming to refine your skills, "Trailblazer Backcountry" is your starting line.

Let's blaze the trail together. Enroll today and embark on the adventure of a lifetime.


Explore Our Trailblazer Courses



Thrilling 1 day on-bike training focused on new and returning riders making the transition to riding off-road. For all skill levels of riders.



Rugged 1 day on-bike training focused on off-road progressive skills training on our terrain course, trails, and single-track. 


Trailblazer Adventure

Accelerated 2 day on-bike training and practice transition to off-road and advanced off-road with overnight off-bike camping.


Trailblazer Backcountry

Challenging 3 day backcountry discovery route BDR preparation training of on-bike, classroom, & practice sessions


Trailblazer Practice

Afternoon 4 hour off-road adventure bike practice session to hone your adventure skills - No training required to attend. All skill levels welcome.

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